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Wednesday, February 17, 2010


"Yet rarely has the political system seemed more polarized and less able to solve big problems that involve trust, tough choices and little short-term gain."
 This is the same old story.  We are not doing anything new, not trying anything different.  We are just entrenched in our same old thinking and politically entrenched ways.  Why bother trying to find solutions, compromises, or even alternative ideas, when you can just argue about he said she said, and I'm right your wrong!?  A polarized two party system is just NOT THE ANSWER!!  We need more political parties, we need more political dialog - and the current interpretation of the US constitution, and the system that has engulfed it, is just not working...  We need two rounds of elections...  one to vote your conscience, one to vote for your leaders...  right now we have no idea about people's conscience.

“These days I wonder if this country is even governable.”

1 comment:

  1. Interesting that anyone would think that representative democracy would have much to do with democracy in general. You elect a person to do what is in your own best interest, yet we as a society produce people that focus on their own best interests. i.e. when that representative has to think about representing you or keeping their power and their job, they just do what it takes to see their own way through. Your 'democracy' comes in second...


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