[This is the text of an article I wrote which appeared in the MetroOccupied's second edition in June.]
is said to be based on the maintenance of law and order for its
social “stability”. This is done through either the creation, or
the appearance, of legitimacy and
“order”, and usually is forced upon others: policing, war,
colonialism, globalization. The key to winning over the people in
these instances is said to be winning “hearts and minds” through
control of the flow and content of information. Today
this is done through a limited few powerful mass media outlets
deciding what information is to be disseminated.
Looking at the media's relationship to the Occupy movement brings to light a double pronged repression of both information and free of speech. The NYPD has increasingly cracked down on Occupy protests through violent repression and a squelching, or perhaps even an altering, of the media’s reporting at a grassroots level. Through these oppressive tactics the NYPD has directly changed the presentation of issues; in essence controlling information and the public’s understanding of the Occupy movement.
Looking at the media's relationship to the Occupy movement brings to light a double pronged repression of both information and free of speech. The NYPD has increasingly cracked down on Occupy protests through violent repression and a squelching, or perhaps even an altering, of the media’s reporting at a grassroots level. Through these oppressive tactics the NYPD has directly changed the presentation of issues; in essence controlling information and the public’s understanding of the Occupy movement.
A recent federal lawsuit
v. Winski illuminates these
concerns in claiming
that 15 plaintiffs, from city council members to journalists to
veterans to Occupiers, had their 1st amendment right to free speech
violently and systematically squelched by the NYPD. The suit asserts
that the department can no longer police itself, thus should be
placed under federal oversight. The lawsuit also alleges that TIME
magazine, at the urging of the NYPD, changed an inflammatory picture
of NY City Councilman Ydanis Rodriguez being arrested.
the police and other powerful interests meddling in the coverage and
choice of stories that are reported on and become “news”?
Reporters from two major publications -
the NY Times and MSNBC.com
have told this writer that despite their personal interests, there is
no editorial level interest in the Occupy movement and they have been
told not to cover it.
May 1st
this became very apparent when the NY Times, buried their story as
the 12th
article in the city/region section of the website and on page A24 of
the print edition. The article also lead with arrests and bloodied
protesters rather than why they were protesting, the numbers in the
streets, or that there were hundreds of protests globally celebrating
international labor day.
is not difficult to connect the ground level repression by the NYPD,
and the higher level aversion to covering the Occupy movement, to
more systemic governmental and private desires to control both the
flow and type of information consumed by the public. By emphasizing
arrests and violence in their coverage, the media portrays Occupy as
a lawless threat to the maintenance of social “order.” This
portrayal easily constructs negative opinions in the minds of
Americans taught to respect social order and the law. If the media
was to cover the
actual reasons why
were in the streets and why
these people were willing
to be arrested and beaten, there would be no mystery why
the 99% should stand with Occupy.
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